Monday, August 23, 2010

Just to fill you in

Here's some background information for those of you who may not know what is going on:

Over the past few months I have been suffering from a cough that was keeping me from being able to hold a normal conversation, sleep through the night, or sit through class without having a cough-attack. After dealing with this cough for a few months I decided I should go to the doctor. I was expecting to be told that I would need my tonsils removed or maybe that I have athsma - cancer was the last thing on my mind! After the doctor listened to my lungs and heart and didn't hear anything abnormal he decided to do an x-ray of my sinuses as well as my chest and lungs to see if there was a possible "clog" in my airway that needed to be removed. After looking at the x-ray pictures they noticed a couple large masses that looked to be enlarged lymph nodes. This led to a CT Scan later that same day which was then followed by yet another scan.

A few days later I had a Biopsy done, and the results came back as Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Hodgkins Lymphoma has something like a 97% cure rate and I found it at a fairly early stage, which keeps me feeling positive about the situation. I will, however, have to go through chemotherapy and radiation, during which time I'll feel pretty crummy; but when it's over I should be cancer-free! I still don't know much about how long treatment will last or how agressive it will be and, of course, I have a ton of questions for my doctor. As I find out more details I'll make sure to update the blog and I'll make sure to let you know how I'm doing through this whole process.

Thank you for your love, support, and prayers! It means a lot to me.



  1. thanks for sharing your journey with us Ryan. Our family will continue to keep you in our prayers.

  2. Ryan,
    Not exciting news huh. My Grandpa Chuck asked that I write. We are distant cousins through my grandmother I never got to meet.
    I was very sick 11 years ago during my army infantry training fevers soar throat colds could barely get up on the mornings. I did not have q choice the burley very not understanding drill instructor would inform me after telling me I was weak. After two months of not knowing why I was sick and my neck growing a strange lump I found my way to the doctor who told me it was serious. I too had hodgkins and it was in my upper body making its way to my lungs.
    Did chemotherapy and radiation, radiation was the worst. Get a port-a-cath for the chemotherapy makes it much easier to take and faster. It has been 11 years no sign of cancer and I feel great. My wife is pregnant with our first so I don't see any ill side affects from cancer or treatment. You can contact me with any questions Shirley has my grandpas contact info.
    You are in my prayers, stay strong.
    Joshua Zickefoose

  3. Joshua, thanks for the insight! I have been told that I'll have a port-a-cath for the chemo, but I'm not sure when it will start. I'm glad all is well with you now, and congrats on the new baby! Thank you for the prayers.
